Hidrax HT Thrust Bearings

Bearings for SAGD Wells

With technological advances in steam-assisted gravity drainage (SAGD), electric submersible pumps (ESPs) are operating at higher temperatures and placing increased demands on the thrust bearings in the seal/protector section and motor.

To sustain high load capacity at these high temperatures, Waukesha Bearings offers the Hidrax® HT thrust bearing.


Robust Bearing Material

Hidrax HT bearings feature hard ceramic or ceramic-metallic composite (cermet) materials that can retain their surface hardness at oil bath temperatures of 300°C (572°F) and higher. The rated unit load of the Hidrax HT thrust bearing is 8 MPa (1160 psi).

The design uses the well-proven Hidrax platform, with durable ceramic/cermet lining on the tilting pads and the thrust collar.

The superior strength and hardness of ceramic/cermet materials also provide the ability to crush abrasive debris that may enter the system through damage to a mechanical seal or contamination of the lubricating oil.


Technical Data

  • Rated maximum oil bath temperature of 300°C (572°F)
  • Rated bearing unit load of 8 MPa (1160 psi)
  • Tungsten carbide lining
  • Sizes up to 200 mm (8″)
  • Center or offset pivot
  • Drop-in replacement option

Thrust Bearings for ESPs

Waukesha Bearings offers a range of material options to maximize thrust bearing life in electric submersible pumps (ESPs), increasing efficiency, production and the operating life of the pump.

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Typical Application

  • ESPs in SAGD systems